Sunday 7 March 2010

Florida Holiday Driving Tips

As you already know, Americans drive on the 'wrong' side of the road. When on holiday in Florida, the times when you are more likely to make a mistake when driving are when you are tired, when you first set off in the morning and when you are turning or pulling out of a driveway or garage/gas station. Take special care to concentrate at these times.

All the rental cars are automatic you don't have to worry about changing gear but sometimes their handbrake is different to UK ones, basically. a foot pedal up under the dashboard. Make sure you understand the controls of your rental car before you drive away from the rental station and, if in any doubt, ask your rental company!

Here are some driving tips that you MUST follow :

(1) Always stay on the RIGHT of the road.

(2) Florida law requires safety belts for all front passengers, regardless of age.

(3) Florida law requires that you turn on you headlights at dusk, in fog, or in rain. Be especially careful when driving in rain as this can be very heavy and cause extremely slippery roads.

(4) DO NOT drink and drive! Its that simple. Under Florida DUI (Driving whilst Under the Influence), if you are caught driving with a BAC (Blood Alcohol Content) of 0.10 or higher, or if you refuse to submit to a roadside test, you will be arrested and your driver’s license suspended indefinitely.

(5) On approaching a “STOP” sign, Florida law requires that your vehicle comes to a complete halt before proceeding. At 4-way STOP signs, the vehicle that arrived at the cross-section first has the right of way first, then the next vehicle and so on. You may turn RIGHT on a red light after you have come to a complete stop, check the road is clear, DOUBLE there are no signs up stating “NO RIGHT” turn on red.

(6) Use a sat nav or map to plan your route before you head out. If you miss a turn or exit, don’t stop, just proceed to the next corner or exit. Never back up! Ever! Always pull completely off the road if you must stop.

(7) Try to keep a full tank of petrol and stay on well-lighted and well-travelled roads.

(8) When filling up with petrol/gas, you must pay for your fuel before filling.

(9)Always lock your vehicle. Lock valuables in the boot (trunk), glove box or luggage compartment so that they are out of sight.

(10)Keep your house key in a safe place on your person when travelling. Florida law states that you MUST carry your driver’s license at all times. You Must also carry your car rental and proof of insurance documents with you at all times.

(11)If you are stopped by a police officer (who will always be in a marked vehicle), STAY in your vehicle and the officer will approach you and advise you of the problem.

1 comment:

  1. While hiring a car they will ask whether we want to pre-pay full tank of gas at return. But don't accept this offer and go on for the vacation.
    package holidays florida
